If you need to get a guaranteed payday loan in the USA it can be hard to find the right lender or loans broker that can help you get the loan you need for any amount. Whether you need to borrow $1000 or just need a 600 dollar loan, being able to work with the right lender for your needs and requirements is always important. Finding a payday loan online or in store can be difficult, whether it is because you have a bad credit score or you are not sure that you will be able to afford repayments, there are often some drawbacks to being able to receive a payday loan.
No lender, loans connection service or loans broker can guarantee a payday loan for you. This is because all lenders of any short term and unsecured loans in the USA needs to carry out a number of necessary checks for your affordability and eligibility for a loan, be it an installment, payday or other type of cash advance or loan. Therefore, they are unable to truly offer a guaranteed payday loan. However, when looking to borrow money online, you can get an instant decision on your screen in just a few minutes and you can even receive the money in your account, potentially on the same day as applying.
If you have experienced an unexpected cost and are looking to borrow some money (even as small as $100) to tide you over until your next payday, as long as you fill in your details correctly and as requested, you may be able to borrow money fast online and receive a loan almost instantly.
Are There Any Guaranteed Payday Loans in The USA?
Truthfully, your chances of getting a payday loan cannot be guaranteed 100%. Payday lenders cannot issue loans without conducting the necessary checks beforehand. At Kallyss, the payday lenders we work with will only carry out soft credit checks so that it does not affect your credit score and therefore your ability to borrow money in the future.
You can get a payday loan if you are eligible for a payday loan in the United States. The eligibility criteria for a payday loan is:
- Be a US citizen
- Be over 18 years of age
- Have a functioning and live checking account to receive any funds
- Have a steady income of at least $800 per month ($9,600 per year)
- Be able to afford the repayments
- Not necessarily have good credit (we consider bad credit)
- Live in a state that allows payday loans (i.e. Florida, California, Iowa etc…)
Although a guaranteed payday loan is a myth, if you follow these eligibility criteria then Kallyss has an extremely good success rate at getting suitable payday loans for its customers.
Why Is It Called a Guaranteed Payday Loan?
Payday loans are often called ‘guaranteed payday loans’ because the checks and eligibility criteria for payday loans is much less rigorous then it is for any other type of loans like cash advance loans and others. Moreover, payday loans are much easier to get for those with bad credit, as well as this, going through a broker or online loans connection service can make it easier than going to a high-street bank.
Here are some of the reasons why you might be looking at a payday loan and why it might be easier to get then other types of loans.
- If you have a Bad Credit Score – Many people fall into the category of having a bad credit score, maybe because they missed repayments on loans in the past. This can make it much harder to get other types of loans as lenders will not be willing to lend to you or will charge high APR interest rates. Therefore, payday loans could be a great way to get a guaranteed loan, as payday loan lenders are much more willing to approve payday loans for those with bad credit scores
- You do not have a Savings Account – There will be some lenders who will not allow you to take out a loan if you do not have a savings account and prove that you will be able to pay off the loan from funds outside of your checking account. Payday loans however will see that you are employed and will allow you to take out a payday loan because they know you will be able to pay it back on your next payday
- You are Unemployed – It is near impossible to get any type of loan if you are unemployed, especially a cash advance from a traditional bank, however there are options for payday loans for those who are unemployed but borrowers need to prove to lenders that they will not miss repayments on their payday loan
Where Can I Find a Payday Loan With Bad Credit Online?
Kallyss is a great place to find a payday loan even if you have bad credit, we can put you in touch with our reputable lenders who will be able to find the best payday loan suited to your exact needs. Fill in our quick and easy online form and get an answer as to whether you are eligible within minutes and even have the money in your account within 1 working day! There are options to borrow $1000 as well as instalment loan options as well. If you find yourself needing to borrow money online, particularly if you have a bad credit score or have a poor credit history, being able to find the lenders that will consider your application can make a big difference.
How Can I Increase My Chances of Getting a Payday Loan Online?
Although payday loans cannot be 100% guaranteed, there are ways that you increase your chances of being accepted for a payday loan. This includes paying off existing debts, improving your credit score and telling the truth on your application.
Here are some of the ways that you can increase your chances of getting a payday loan:
- You Meet The Eligibility Criteria – First and foremost you must make sure that you meet the eligibility criteria for a payday loan in the US. If you do not meet this criteria then you will be rejected from getting a payday loan and it could even affect your credit score in the future
- You Submit the Correct Information – Make sure that you tell the truth on your application form, submitting the wrong information or lying can harm your chances of getting a payday loan and can delay the time it takes to get your loan into your account as well
- Improve Your Credit Score – There are many quick and easy ways that you can improve your credit score, such as joining the electoral register if you have not done so already. Putting a few of these into practice will make lenders more likely to accept you for a payday loan
- Only Borrow What You Need – Lenders can see how much you make and how much you will be able to afford to repay, therefore only apply to borrow what you need (whether you need to borrow $500 or $800 for example) because otherwise lenders will be wary and less likely to accept you for the loan if you cannot prove you can repay a larger sum of money